0Friday. 24th [May 1907]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 May 1907 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 24th [May 1907]. I remained in bed till lunch to get a good rest of wh I was much in need. The furnace for making enamel was fixed & all prepared for tomorrow when Nora will give me her 1st lesson in the Art. After lunch I had a visit from Sra M. who came to consult me about her husband who it appears has taken a craze for Mlle Ries—a Russian artist & a very clever sculptress– He seems to have taken an aversion to his poor wife in consequence—has not spoken to her for a week & has told her she may return to her mother! The poor thing has written a letter to the Russian appealing to her not to come to stay at Venice & make mischief & before sending it wanted me to read it & give my advice. I am perplexed & finally asked her to leave it with me for reflection. It is ridiculous as well as tragic that a man with a still young & handsome wife—& a grown up son should think of a vulgar overdressed woman with high cheek bones & oriental look—but there seems to be no telling what attracts men. In this case she seems to have made him believe that his artistic ideals are not understood. I went to Hotel Victoria to see what Angela Reinelt would advise. I found there Senator Fradeletto, President of the Exn of Art. He is a clever man—but 2nd rate & puffed up with conceit. They talked of the bad state of things at Trieste where a kind of revolution seems to be taking place. Then Css Morosini came in so I had to leave & return home to tea. Connie & Nora had been out & returned also. After tea we went to the Cos: Hospital. There I met Dr Giordano & had a discussion with him about the patients whom he brings to the Nursing Home. He wishes to insist that the relatives should be allowed to live at the hospital or even that the patient should be allowed to have a friend or relative to sleep in their room! I told him that it would be quite impossible & quite against English rules– He also said that he cd not understand that the friends should not be admitted to visit patients before 9 a.m.! as some might wish to go at 7 a.m.!! On my pointing out that 9 a.m. was an hour not admitted in England he said that he saw that he must give up taking in Italian patients & keep to English ones– I said I should regret it—& there the matter dropped. Dr Giordano is a very clever man & the best surgeon in Italy but he is despotic & wants to have his own way which cannot be in this case. I feel sure that if he ceases to bring us his patients he will after a time be too glad to bring them back to us! But it is a pity he will not be more reasonable. Came home to dinner. Patience in the eveng & Connie played the piano. Lovely moonlight night & warm.

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