0Saturday. 25th May [1907]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 May 1907 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 25th May [1907]. I had my first lesson in enamelling of Miss Hallé & we made a button wh is very satisfactory—worked at it till lunch. I went after lunch to see Angela Reinelt & consulted her on the case of Sra M. She agreed with me that she should keep quite quiet & certainly not write any letter as it would be quite useless & render all parties ridiculous. We also discussed Dr Giordano’s quarrel with me. He had told her all about it & we laughed heartily over the situation—the shock of his will against the English rules! I returned straight home. Mr Woods R.A. came to see me also Miss West & a Mr & Mrs Sullivan (he of the Ottoman Bk) who brought me a letter of introduction from Edward. She is a very handsome nice woman. They are making a month’s tour as far as Constantinople from here & leave tomorrow. Out in gondola after tea with Connie & Nora. Landed at Piazza for a short time. Home just after 7. Found that Css Olga Mocenigo née Windischgrätz had called– She stayed talking till past 11– As charming as ever. She & Connie had not met for 26 years!

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