0Friday. 7th [June 1907]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 June 1907 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 7th [June 1907]. I have little to record today. I worked at my enamelling & prepared all the remaining pieces of the necklace wh took me most of the morning to do & part of the afternoon. Signora Fradeletto came to tea also M. Ringler the Norwegian Consul after that I went out left many cards & then went to the Piazza where I met Malagola & took a turn with him. At 9 p.m. Signora Malagola came & we went off in gondola to fetch Olga Mocenigo to go to La Calcina. Mr & Mrs Hulton met us there & Sr Arbib & Bianca with a couple of friends. We came home at 11. It was a very cool evening & I was glad of my fur jacket.

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