0Monday. 17th [June 1907]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 June 1907 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 17th [June 1907]. At 11 this morning Mr Pierpont Morgan called. He had never seen the pictures in this house & was duly impressed with them & of other things in the house. He kept remarking what opportunities Henry must have had—& I added “and knowledge.” He admired also the Hispano maurenque plates, Cortelazzo’s works & the Bourges enamel vases given me by Queen Margherita. I could not help comparing in my own mind the advantage of knowledge over money. With very limited means Henry had brought together a collection of fine things as Morgan the millionaire had to pay immense sums for those he has acquired. After going round the rooms he said he must hurry away as he is leaving Venice this afternoon. After he had gone I walked to Fondta Malcantoe to pay a visit to Cav. S. Arbib. He wanted me to see the preparations for his daughter Matilde’s wedding on Thursday next & to introduce me to his wife. She is a shy nervous woman but pleasant looking. The house is surrounded with a nice garden with flowers & kitchen garden. It is a kind of villa—& has pleasant rooms—furnished in modern Italian bad taste. The relations of the bridegroom were there. The father Nahum of Tripoli in a fez refreshing reminder of the beloved East. I stayed a short time & then returned home to lunch. At 6 o’cl Angela Reinelt called for me in gondola & we went across to the Eden’s garden where the madonna lilies are still beautiful altho’ past their perfection. Then we went to the Giardino publici & home at 8. After dinner I went to pay the Brandolins a visit. Chatted for an hour & then home to bed.

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