0Monday. 24th [June 1907]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 June 1907 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 24th [June 1907]. A delicious change in the atmosphere this morning. I worked all day at the enamels but with no success– The wind or something prevented the stove heating properly– I spoilt all I attempted to do & I was altogether discouraged. At 4 I went out in gondola over to the Eden’s garden & had tea with Carry—came back soon after 5 & at 6 went out with Angela to the Public gardens—& sat there a little & then home to dinner. At 8.30 went in gondola to fetch Carry Eden and went for a row in the splendid moonlight. There was a delicious cool air.

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