0Sunday. 7th [July 1907]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 July 1907 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 7th [July 1907]. To morning service. Revd Mr Armstrong did service in Canon Ragg’s absence. At 2 Sra Malagola called. I offered to take her to the opening of the Exhibition of building arts opened by the Q. Margherita at the Scuola San Giov. Evangelista. We telephoned to Signorina Gosetti to come here to go with us & she came & we went off at 3. We had a long time to wait there—walked round the corridor wh contained specimens of bricks, cement, marble, mosaic &c &c. Countess Bisetta Miari was the only lady we knew & she was spritely & amusing– The Prefect, Sindaco & others were all solemn & bored. When at length the Q. arrived she was at once conducted to the 1st floor where there are 2 very fine large halls belonging to the building Confraternity– In a smaller inner room chairs had been placed for H.M. & her ladies—& the members of the guild stood round & read various speeches. I got a chair with Sra Malagola & when the ceremony was over we wandered about to see the place. In one of the big halls there was an exhibition of typewriting machines! which did not seem to me very appropriate. As soon as the Queen had left I took my friends back to tea with me & they left. At a little before 8 I went off to the sailor’s institute to the service conducted by Mr Armstrong & then home to a cold supper.

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