0Friday. 19th [July 1907]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 July 1907 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 19th [July 1907]. Clara Montalba came to lunch– She is always a charming companion. At 3 we went out together, she home & I on to the Hospital. The beds are now in the new wards & things really begin to look straight. She gave me tea in her room. I was feeling depressed at the news of my brother Ivor’s health. I had letters from Connie who is staying at Canford, wh are alarming. I returned home to be ready to go out with Angela at 6. Found her a little trying in my present state of nerves & feel glad I am off to Bologna tomorrow for a change. On getting to the public gardens found she intended we should dine there—wh we did on arriving at 6.30. We had quite a good dinner & spent 5.50! tho’ the cooking was not remarkably good still it was decent. She eat well & was pleased. We got home at 8 & I sat & wrote letters & arranged papers till bed time.

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