0Wednesday. 31st [July 1907]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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31 July 1907 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 31st [July 1907]. Today at 3 o’cl young Mr Stucky came to see me & I got through an awkward interview satisfactorily tho’ feeling all the time that I was making rather a fool of myself. Had a visit from Revd & Mrs de Candoli (Sir Henry Thompson’s daughter) who are passing thro’ this place. I had not seen her for years. He has a living at Cambridge. The old Genl came & also Clara Montalba & I took the latter out with [me] in gondola & we went to the Arbibs to try & cheer them up a bit. Sat in their nice garden which it is too sad to think they will probably have to leave soon. In the evening I went to the Sailor’s Inst: to the concert wh was amusing. Bianca Arbib brought a lady who played the piano to the delight of the Sailors.

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