0Wednesday. 25th [September 1907]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 September 1907 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 25th [September 1907]. At 11 I called at the Hotel Britannia for the Prince & took him in my gondola to the Hospital. He went into every detail & evidently knew all about the subject much to Sister C’s delight & he expressed himself as pleased with it. The new arrangements are really nearly completed now tho’ we have not yet got permission from the authorities to use the new wards & we cannot manage to get quite rid of the workmen. Still I begin to feel satisfied with the result of all my efforts & to see the end of them. I went one day to tea with the Curtis being carried up the high outside staircase in a chair by the gondoliers. Sir Seymour & Lady Blane, Mrs Hunter, whose portrait by Sargent is in the Exhibition here this year—& a cruel portrait it is as she is still a very handsome pleasant looking woman.

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