0Saturday. 2nd [November 1907]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 November 1907 — Rome
Saturday. 2nd [November 1907]. The Alderson party has returned from their trip to Naples & are staying at Hotel Beau Site. Kitty came to see me in the morning & to have a chat– Wonderfully good news of our brother Ivor’s health. Connie is staying at Canford. After lunch Olga E. & I drove to the Home & on to a nursery garden called Villa Ellica where we saw splendid rows of chrysanthemums & also of cyclamen. We met Princess Teano there with a splendid little boy of abt 5. They are a very handsome race—the Gachani & all good & nice & intelligent. We returned home for tea & various people came. We have tea in the glassed garden entrance to the Embassy wh is very pretty with flowers in pots. After tea I rest & have hot sand bags on my knee till dinner time. The secretaries generally dine & today there were also 2 Austrian secretaries with their nice young wives—one Larisch by name.

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