0Sunday. 3rd [November 1907]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 November 1907 — Rome
Sunday. 3rd [November 1907]. I drove with Sir Edwin to the American church where we sat in Mrs Griscom’s pew. She had dined with us also last night. A nice friendly little person (née Brown). The Ambr is away in America on leave. All the Aldersons were at the A. church & after service Sir Edwin walked home & I took Kate back to the hotel in his carriage. After lunch Olga took me to call on Mme Tittoni whose husband is Min: for F.A. We found on arriving that some one of consequence was leaving. It turned out to be Selim P., the special mission from the Sultan, with his wife & family & Gosetti the P. Minister. It is a pity we were just too late to see them we only passed them going out of the door. The Tittoni live at the top of the palace where there is a kind of winter garden. Sigra T. seems a nice bright little woman. There were other people there who was presented. I made out the Turkish Ch. d’Aff. Kouganigiam who said he had known me at Constantinople & danced at my parties when he was young. The Tittoni little girl was playing Diabolo the new game—an old one to me for when I was a child we called it “Devil on two sticks”– It is now the rage. On leaving here we drove round the Villa Doria & home. At tea several people came amongst them Marchese & Mara Cassis—both well & bright & kind. All the Alderson party including Mr Hailstone dined here & in the evening Olga & Monty played 2 piano duetts. Mr Whitaker played his violin. Very pleasant evening.

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