0Monday. 4th [November 1907]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 November 1907 — Rome
Monday. 4th [November 1907]. I expected Kitty to come in the morning but she did not turn up. After lunch Lady E. sent me out in her Victoria to take Kitty for a drive. We went to the Villa Pamphili & made a round by the Gianicolum & down to St Peters where the old coachman who was driving us stopped & we felt he meant us to go in which we did. It never gives me the least pleasure or emotion to see the inside of this great church. It is big, cold & so immense that one gets no idea of the immensity of its proportions. The decorations are, to me, bad taste. Bernini’s statues terrible. It gives me so sense of devotion nor should I ever feel inclined to pray there. We just walked up to the shrine under the dome & then returned to our carriage & I took Kate to Hotel Beausite & came back myself to the Embassy. P. & Pss Charles San Faustino dined at the Embassy also P. & Pss Teano. The latter is absurdly like what his father was when young—has the same voice. His wife is handsome but does not attract me. Pss Jane as they call the Pss San Faustino is a queer harum scarum American—& does & says all kinds of extravagant things. She is mad about playing bridge in the eveng & is very unhappy because the English Secs: who used to be here last winter & liked playing “bridge” have left. There are now Mr Akers Douglas, Mr Eric Thipps & Mr Whitaker, son of my friend Mrs Wm Whitaker. He is here only as a super: & is not in diplomacy. He plays the violin rather nicely to Lady E’s accompaniment.

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