0Sunday. 5th [January 1908]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 January 1908 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 5th [January 1908]. Froze all day & there was a yellow fog. Monty came & sat with me in the morning & chatted about family &c. Verona Brooke came before. She is to be married to her cousin Welland in 2 weeks from now. After lunch I installed myself in the drawing room which till now I have occupied but little. Mr Squire came to see me. He has just returned from Venice where he has been spending Christmas with Lady Radnor & he gave me Venice gossip. How the Wiels have just bought a house near the Querini Stampalia Library &c &c. Then came Sr Eugenio Arbib & remained on some time– He has also just arrived from Venice & expects Sr Tabet tomorrow to try & settle the Arbib affairs wh still hang fire– Bee Eliot came later & then Hallam Murray. He confirms the news in this morning’s “Observer” that the “Times” is sold to a syndicate & is to be restored to the old state. We had pleasant talk about books & publishing.

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