0Sunday. 12th [January 1908]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 January 1908 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 12th [January 1908]. Fine & frosty. Went to the Marlboro’ House Chapel R. service at 9.45– Very lame walking there. Visited Monty at the Albany afterwards & home at 11. Connie came to lunch & remained with me beading till 4. Mrs Charlie Bruce (Netta) came to see me—not well eno’ yet to return to Abbottabad. Connie went off to see the Eddie Eliots in their new house in Brunswick Sqr & returned just before dinner for a few mins: She goes to Canford tomorrow for a fortnight. Mrs Osborne, née St Quentin came to tea & stayed a long time chatting. Later Ambrose Poynter came. At 10.30 p.m. Kitty arrived from Lutterworth to stay with me—& sleeps in my room– Dacre brought his French wife to see me today. Rather a good looking woman—but with French stout figure.

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