0Monday. 13th [January 1908]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 January 1908 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 13th [January 1908]. I went off before 10 a.m. to Welbeck Street to have my 5th bath & came back rather exhausted. Kate had gone to see brother Monty at the Albany as this afternoon he was going to Sandringham to stay with the King & Queen. He showed her a letter he had recd from Lord Knollys to say the King had just signed Monty Alderson’s appointment to the Rector of Lutterworth & he was very glad he had got it. Kate returned soon after I did & we sat & talked till just before lunch. Charlie & Nellie arrived from the Tile House to stay here– They had been taken to the station in a friend’s motor wh broke down & so missed their train. Kitty went off to the dentist. Mrs Whitaker telephoned to ask me if I would like to drive with her in her motor & she came for me abt 3 & took me to Southwark to see a soup kitchen for invalids where they could fetch a meal for 1d between 12 & 1 o’cl every day. The cook explained the whole thing to us. We went on to Tabard St to the Chaucer board schools to see Mrs Hills who greeted me gladly & showed Mrs Whitaker round the class rooms. The children were not bad looking & some had rosy cheeks. In the geography class when asked what was the capital of England an eager child shouted “Edinboro’.” From there we went to Kensington road to see a creche lately founded by Mrs Whitaker. In a nice room there were wicker basinettes ranged round the wall but there were only 7 babes in today. The house was capital & there was a large garden at the back. I got home by 5 & found Kate & Nellie just come in. Kate went out again at 7 to the dentist & got home to dress & start off to dine with Sir Wm & Lady Humphrey. There we met at dinner old Mr Ernest Noel who interested us all in talk about gardening.

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