0Tuesday. 28th [January 1908]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 January 1908 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 28th [January 1908]. Directly after luncheon I went off to St Thomas’ Ch: in Orchard Street to be present at the marriage of Verona Brooke & Revd Cecil Welland. The organ was well played– The service done very well– Verona looked radiant all her sisters & bros: in law were there & her Uncle Mr Somerset Beaumont & with him I walked after the service to 1 Manchester Sqr to be entertained by the family. I came home by 4. Connie who returned yesterday from Canford came to tea. She says she left Ivory better in health but in mind often very confused. Nellie & I went to dine with Mr Sydney Glyn & his son Capt. Arthur Glyn & met there a very nice & handsome widow, Mrs Carew. It is touching to see the devotion of the son to his father. The mother died suddenly abt a year ago—was apparently quite well one afternoon—went to lie on her bed to rest & was found dead soon after. The son left the Guards in order to take care of the father.

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