0Sunday. 2nd February [1908]—3 Savile Row
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2 February 1908 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 2nd February [1908]. I got up early & went off to the service at the Marlboro’ Ch. R. Mrs Hills the Chaucer Bd School head mistress met me & went to the service with me. As the P. & Pss of Wales were there she was delighted to see them. On opening the “Observer” this morning was horrified to read of the assassination of the King & Crown Prince of Portugal at Lisbon– It is said they were driving home from the station & were fired on by a party of men with rifles—that the police killed 3 of them & captured 3—one had committed suicide in prison. The younger brother P. Emanuel was wounded & proclaimed King. It seems that Q. Amelia escaped as by a miracle as she threw herself before her son the C. Prince & tried to save him. It is a dastardly act—cruel & useless! Every one one meets is indignant. Mrs Hill came home with me from church & remained till after 12 talking & asking questions about the journey she is going to make to Venice to stay with me at Easter to which she is looking forward. She was delighted to have seen the procession from the Queen’s gallery at the opening of Parliament on Wedy for which I had got her a ticket. She asked me amongst other things if it were true as she had read in novels that smart ladies spoke so disparagingly of poorer people! & despised all those who were not as rich as themselves. I told her that in general the novelists of smart society had never seen it & knew nothing about it. Capt. Walsh came to lunch & also my sister Connie. The latter went off to fetch her 2 grandchildren (Chryssie’s children) to play with the Wyld child & left with them soon after 4. Capt. Walsh invited me & the Wylds to stay with him in the country on 15th wh we promised to do. Lady Vivian & her daughter Doris Haig came to tea also Mr Sargent the brother in law of the Dss of Somerset. Doris had been doing “maid of honor” to our Queen in the place of her sister Violet wh is away. She says the King & Queen were at morng service in the Buck. Palace Chapel this morning & looked very downcast & spoke to no one. She expected the Court fixed for this week will be put off. The Wylds & I dined at 17 Cavendish Sqr. The talk chiefly about the horrid murders.

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