0Tuesday. 11th [February 1908]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 February 1908 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 11th [February 1908]. Connie came to luncheon. I hired a motor for the afternoon & Nellie & I started out soon after 5 & left cards in the remoter parts of the town. Found only Mrs Willie Hanson at home. Miss Emily Patterson came to tea—the watercolourist I had met at Venice. Mrs & Mrs Fk Adams came also—both looking ill & complaining of health. Capt: Amory dined with us & we went to the Play House Theatre & saw “The O’Grindleys” excellently acted but rather tiresome piece. A pretty young actress Miss Carlisle. Cyril Maude very good. His wife ditto. Today is the first that I have felt my rheumatic knee to be really better.

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