0Wednesday. 12th February [1908]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 February 1908 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 12th February [1908]. Went for treatment at 10 & home by 11—plumped into bed & slept till lunch time. Lovely mild day & so took a walk in the afternoon with Nellie through the Green Park to Gros: Place to call on Mrs Walrond at 1 Wilton Street. We got as far as Chester St & thinking we had made a mistake we turned back to Wilton Crescent & had to turn back to the end of Gros: Place where we found Wilton St. Mrs Walrond received us in the dining room & said she was busy packing as she is off to France tomorrow with her father Revd Montague Villiers who has broken down & has to leave at once. We only remained five min. with her & then went towards home & got a hansom wh got us in before 5 o’cl. Old Mr Sydney Glyn came to tea & was very chatty. Then came Miss Armytage & also Evely Eliot. Had a small dinner party to wh came Mr & Mrs Longman (publisher), Mr & Mrs Barnard Samuelson & Mr Alan Cole C.B. Mrs Samuelson is a lovely little woman with a wonderful complexion & brilliant colour & violet eyes. The first impression is that she is painted but one soon perceives that it is all natural & she is bright & pleasant to talk to. The Samuelsons are coming to Venice in a yacht this spring with their 2 boys & promised to come to see me. I lent Mr Alan Cole some of my old lace for an exhibition wh is being got up by the “Daily Mail” newspaper & he carried it off.

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