0Tuesday. 18th [February 1908]—Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 February 1908 — Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
Tuesday. 18th [February 1908]. Ivor said not to be well again & did not come down to lunch. At 12 I took a walk with Cornelia to the Tennis Court in the village & back. It was blowing half a gale of wind & the elms are said to be very unsafe so it was nervous work being near them. After lunch we motored to Bournemouth & walked in the new road under the cliff a little way. On the beach there were men fashioning lions &c out of the sands down by the sea. One group of a lion & lioness was spirited, but all will be gone when the tide next rises– We got home by 4.30 & Ivory was better & came down to tea. I walked up & down the hall with him for some time while Miss Green played the piano & the music seemed to soothe him & at 6 he went upstairs much calmer & less confused.

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