0Monday. 9th [March 1908]—3 Savile Row
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9 March 1908 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 9th [March 1908]. My wedding day. 39 years! It seems an age. Or it seems yesterday! At 10.30 I went off to 35 Gros: Square to see about arrangements for tomorrow’s sale. Nothing was ready so I did not remain there. I deposited the pictures and glass I had prepared & then walked to Mrs Rates & paid her a short visit. It was a showery day—but not cold. I got home at 12 & soon after Css Contardone arrived bringing Mr Paul Sabatier. He is a small man with dark hair & bright eyes with a pleasant easy mien & we soon got into pleasant talk. He said he lived mostly at Assisi & loved Italy. He had not seen in this morning’s paper that the final excommunication is lancé on Abbe Loisy but said that it will make no difference to his position. He said that Merry del Val is not a strong man but is the obedient minister of the Pope who will not be counselled. He spoke of Fozzazario & said that he is not a strong man but is the follower of the man who lives near Bergamo a priest who is a wonderful man & a strong one & a genius. He spoke of Mlle Antonetta Giacomelli of Venice & how the Pope when Patriarch condescended to the small details & had forced his A.G. to give up her societa por il bene wh she had inaugurated & to wh I belonged. He spoke of Father Tyrell & we agreed that it was wonderful that a man brought up as a Protestant should ever have been able to give himself up soul & body to the Catholic party. The Css is a R.C. vert & it was curious to see how she accepted what M. Sabatier said. Her daughter is to be married next month to a protestant in the R.C. cathedral here with all pomp! Queer religion it seems to me. Mr Sabatier went off with the Css. The Raymond Layards came before lunch to stay with me. Connie came in for a few moments. The Wylds arrived to stay also. After lunch I sent the Layards out in my brougham & remained at home. Sir Herbert Miller called & sat & gave me Venetian gossip of wh I remember but little. Revd Mr Horner called at 4.30 & sat talking with me a long time. He is a student of coptic & very interesting. We had tea at 5. The R. Layards came in to tea & Nellie also. Worked at bead chains till dinner. Amy Percival (Raymond’s sister) dined with us. In the evening Nellie & Charlie helped me to price all the bead chains.

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