0Thursday. 19th [March 1908]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 March 1908 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 19th [March 1908]. Breakfast downstairs at 9. Many odds & ends to do. Lunch at 1.30. At 3 I went out driving. Dropt Augusta at Christie’s where she finally decided to have her emerald valued & then to Park St to pick up my brother Monty as we were to go to an antiquity shop together. So we drove off to Knightsbridge to a Mrs Hill to arrange with her to exchange 2 china plates for me once bought of her– We found nothing suitable so I left it to Monty to do later on. Mrs Hill is quite a character & talked volubly abt pictures she had sold amongst them one to Pierpont Morgan for £3000. We drove on to Egerton Terrace where we parted & I paid a visit to Miss Hogarth Dickens sister in law. She is growing old now—but is very sweet & kind– We talked abt the Bruce case & the woman who pretended to have known Dickens wh she said was pure inventive. I sent my carriage to pick up Eda at Sir Charles Aldersons & we drove home together. Bessborough came to see me, also Nora Hallé, Clare Eliot & a friend, Amy Percival & her girl. I had given up dining at Mrs Anstruther’s tonight & wanted to be let off from dining tomorrow at the Bessboro’s but Edward rather urged me to go & I said I would– We all dined at home. I was very tired & glad to go early to bed.

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