0Tuesday. 7th [April 1908]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 April 1908 — Rome
Tuesday. 7th [April 1908]. I was glad to stop in bed till lunch time & rest & feeling rather headachy. Directly after lunch we went to the Padiglione dell’Orologio to help again at the Russian Bazaar. Before starting I wrote a note to Marsa Villamarina to ask her when the Queen expected me to stay with her. There were not so many people at the Bazaar today as yesterday—still we did a good business & cleared our stall of all we had. The Queen Elena came & bought many things. By 6.30 when we had finished up we had I suddenly turned very tired & sick & made a dash to get out into the air. Blare the butler got me out by a back door & when I got into the cool air I felt better. Mrs Akers Douglas offered to drive me back to the Embassy in her carriage wh I gladly accepted. Mr Whitaker brought Baker in his motor & as soon as I got in she put me to bed. I became better at once & soon recovered. I had overtired myself & was glad of rest.

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