0Sunday. 24th [May 1908]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 May 1908 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 24th [May 1908]. Empire Day. I put out our flag but it blew so hard before the end of the day that I took it down lest the staff should be carried away. To morning service & afterwards to see Bss Reinelt & only got in in time for lunch. Mr & Mrs Longman called in the afternoon. Mr & Mrs Price (Mrs Silver’s sister) came to tea also Mr & Mrs Turton whom I had met at Montacute all tourists. We dined at 7 & Aline & I went to the service at the sailor’s Institute—there were only 3 men there besides Miss Bowyer & the Raggs. Took the latter back to their house afterwards.

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