0Wednesday. 10th [June 1908]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 June 1908 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 10th [June 1908]. Olga came up to the studio & set to work to draw patterns while I embroidered. After lunch the Egertons & Mr Whitaker went on foot & by steamer to the Eden’s garden. Ola & I went by gondola to meet them there. We went over to the hospital & I took Olga [&] Mr Whitaker all over it & also did business with Miss Milman (the pro-tem matron). Then we rowed across to the Piazza. Sir Edwin had gone home to go out with Mme Wiel—& Ola also walked from the Zattere– Ola did some shopping & then we went home to dinner. Lovely cool weather. Played patience with Olga after dinner.

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