0Wednesday. 17th [June 1908]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 June 1908 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 17th [June 1908]. Aline Lambton left for Florence. The Egertons went to the station to see her off by 10 a.m. train. Carrie Eden came to see me & I packed & arranged things for my departure of tomorrow. The Curtis came also in morng & Mr Brown. In afternoon I went out with Olga Egerton & Mr Whitaker to the Piazza where we met Sir Edwin. There came on a great thunderstorm & torrents of rain & we had to go & sit in the jeweller’s shop the while. There was a fine effect of a rainbow just over the Church of St Mark’s which made everyone exclaim. It cleared for a while & we started home having got the gondola with a felse luckily—for it came down in torrents again. The rain did not freshen the air much as the scirocco is still heavy. Sir Edwin played patience in the eveng & we helped him.

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