0Friday. 26th [June 1908]—17 Cavendish Square
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 June 1908 — 17 Cavendish Square
Friday. 26th [June 1908]. Breakfast in my room– The Dss of Somerset paid me a short visit to tell me the details of the death of her sister Mrs Poynter who had been a friend of mine. She had gone to British Columbia to be with her son & had died there of typhoid. We both were sad & upset while talking about it & the Dss asked to go [to] my room to compose herself. When there she looked abt for some face powder. I told her there was not such a thing in the house—as none of our family ever used it! She then seized a bottle she thought must be toilette vinegar & lo & behold it was toothwash! Nellie & Charlie Wyld came to lunch on purpose to see me. In the afternoon Blanche took me out in her motor car. We went to Chester Square to see Connie’s new abode. It is small—but pretty. All still in confusion & vans of furniture at the door. From there we went to Stanhope Gate & got out of the car to go & sit in the park—but as soon as we had taken our seats we changed our minds & returned to the Car. Motors are not allowed in Hyde Park between the hours of 4 & 7 p.m. as the Queen objects to them. We did 2 or 3 other jobs thinking it still early when passing a clock I saw it was 6 p.m. so we went back to Cav. Sqr to tea & rest till dinner. The Bessboro’s & Gweneth went out to an evening party after dinner & I went to bed.

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