0Wednesday. 8th [July 1908]—Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 July 1908 — Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
Wednesday. 8th [July 1908]. There were heavy showers all this morning & there was no going out. Oscar left for London– I sat all the morning in the smoking room of the wing. Had lunch with Miss Anderson the Secy. At 3 I accompanied Cornelia in the motor to Talbottown where she had promised to lay the foundation stone of a Church House. We went first to Kinson & on nearly to Bournemouth to the church of Talbottown built by a Miss Talbot. Formerly the whole place was in the parish of Canford & when I was a girl the whole was under Mr Ponsonby (afterwards Lord Bessboro’). Ivor separated & endowed Kinson, & Miss Talbot did the same here. The church was full when we got then & a service began. The Archdeacon preached an appropriate sermon, the choir sang hymns. Afterwards the clergy & choir formed a procession outside the church & the congregation following we all walked up the road & then turned down to where the building was begun– Cornelia patted a big stone engraved with her name, a Mrs Russell patted another– She is a very infirm old lady and was with difficulty got out of a rolling chair & propped up so as to be able to lay the stone. While another hymn was being sung, money bags were passed round & after the blessing we went off to the school house where tea was prepared. Both Cornelia & Mrs Russell had bouquets presented to them. In the school I talked to the Rector Mr Sharpe who said he has been there 17 years & I saw a stout old white haired clergyman whom I was informed was Mr Daniel, erewhile rector of Kinson. We had not met since I married nearly 40 years ago! no wonder we did not recognise each other. After leaving the schools we went off to Merley to call on Lady Playfair, Ld P. being the present tenant. She was not in so we went home– Cornelia went out again & I went for a walk up to the village to call on Mr & Mrs Meaby. He is in the Estate office. His father was the miller in old days. They not being at home I started to walk to the keeper’s house, but met the Meabys on the way & turned back with them & sat & had a little talk in their house before returning home. It was a lovely evening after the welcome rain of the morning. Ivor not so clear today & I did not see him at all.

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