0Monday. 13th [July 1908]—Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 July 1908 — Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
Monday. 13th [July 1908]. I had a bad night & was sleeping heavily when Baker called me a little after 7. Cornelia came to my room in her dressing gown looking very distressed as Ivor was a good deal less well this morng. He was wandering about the house in his dressing gown calling for help. I did not see him only having just time to dress & swallow down my tea before it was time to start at 8.20 in the motor to catch the Bournemouth express to London. Miss Anderson accompanied me & put me into the train which left at 9.15 & went up to London without a stop reaching Waterloo at 11.10. Baker came with the luggage later in the day & told me that Ivor had gone into every room even to the kitchen in his dressing gown in restless search for he knew not what. I went straight to 17 Cav. Sqr deposited my bag & had a cup of soup & then went off to the Priory St John’s Gate in Clerkenwell to sign the roll & to receive my order of St John of Jerusalem. I was surprised to find a medieval old gateway in this busy part of the city, very picturesque. I went up to the Office in the Gateway where I found the Assistant Secy a gentleman in a bath chair who took my signature & delivered to me the cross wh is of white enamel on silver with a black ribbon to it. He is a former officer in the Scots Greys & was wounded in the legs in the Boer war. He made his orderly show me the halls—one old & one new where the meetings are held & one is a Library. In the old hall Garrick first made his appearance in London. There are many interesting drawings & relics kept there. I returned just in time to Cav. Sqr for luncheon & then drove out with Blanche in the afternoon.

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