0Monday. 20th July [1908]—17 Cavendish Square
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 July 1908 — 17 Cavendish Square
Monday. 20th July [1908]. Sir John Craggs came to have a last talk over the Hospital Balance sheet of last year wh he has nearly got into shape. He told me also that after all his efforts to sell the V. Murano Co to Sr Barbon, a man (German Jew called Newgass has outbide Barbon & bought it for the monopoly of Jesurum & Co at Venice. It is sad to think that after all Henry’s efforts to promote honest trade & to maintain the glass manufacturing at Venice this honest house should fall into the hands of rogues. It is a good thing that they have paid a good price for it & I must hope to get back the money I have lately put into the thing—& henceforth I must not think anymore about it but regard the whole matter as a closed book. I went to dine with Sir Wm & Lady Humphreys & met there Lord Salisbury & his brother & Lady Robert Cecil also a perky red hair young son of Lord William Cecil whom I had not seen since he was a grubby little boy in sailor suit in the Rodney garden at Hatfield. Lord Salisbury still looked pale after his late illness. Lord Robert left early before we rose from dinner, to return to the H. of Commons.

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