0Saturday. 19th [September 1908]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 September 1908 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 19th [September 1908]. Cav. Arbib came in to see me to talk abt the Venezia Murano affair regretting the course taken by the Directors in England. I told him I only wanted to be rid of the whole affair & am disgusted at the crooked ways of all the Venetian commercial people. It is a pity that a country that had once been at the head of the commerce of the world should now be the last. At 12.30 arrived Mrs Ady & her daughter Ciceley to stay with me. Mrs A. writes charming books under the name Julia Cartwright & her girl has also written a book very nicely. I took them out in gondola after tea & we walked on the piazza & saw there some very smart people, there appear to be crowds of “smart set” English here from London. Consuelo Duchess of Manchester came in at tea time also Mr & Mrs Merrick the latter to tell me that Canon Ragg who came to stay with them for Sunday’s services is down with fever & has luckily found someone to do his services tomorrow at our church. Mrs Wilkinson & her girl came to see me at the same time. It was amusing to see all these Americans look askance at each other as is the way of society Americans– The Duchess managed, under pretext of looking at the pictures to make off without saying good bye to them. Directly after lunch Revd & Mrs Farrer & their son Ralph had come to see me & fell into the arms of the Adys who proved to be their relations—so that was a happier affair.

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