0Tuesday. 6th [October 1908]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 October 1908 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 6th [October 1908]. The Guiccioli left me today by the 2 o’cl train, Css Pianell for Vicenza, the Guiccioli for Japan, The latter go by Vienna, Moscow & the Siberian railway. I went out in gondola over to the Hospital & also went to see old Lady Pirbright who is staying at the Grand Hotel. She is a kind old lady & we are good friends—but she is peculiar in looks—very stout but with remains of good looks, she wears a golden wig, paints & powders her face & I found her enveloped in a white satin peignoir! She is a pleasant companion, reads much, knows everyone, speaks Italian well, & is witty. She has with her a young secretary called Peter McGinn who is her own maid’s brother & whom she orders about in queer fashion. He is intelligent & useful to her but his looks betray his mean birth. I had my usual reception this evening, but very few people came. Canon Ragg had left me yesterday. His wife had returned from the country & they are in their own apartment but they came to see me this evening.

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