0Sunday. 14th [March 1909]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 March 1909 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 14th [March 1909]. I went to morning service. After lunch I went to the Hospital & saw there a Mr Eram an American married to an English woman who is in a private room. He seemed very weak & persuaded he is going to die. Tried to cheer him & he picked up between times– He is glad to be at the Cosmopolitan & begged me to look after his wife when he was gone– I came home to tea & found that Ola Du Cane who I thought was [to] come at 7 had arrived at the station by the train de luxe & had telephoned to ask for my gondola. As I was out in it she took a hired one & arrived in time for tea. She has given up the matronship of the Convalescent Home at St Leonards on account of her health & I have asked [her] to come here to recruit. She was so tired that she went to bed before dinner & I saw her no more. Sr Malagola came in at 9 for a chat & to ask for information out of books in my library.

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