0Sunday. 4th April [1909]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 April 1909 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 4th April [1909]. The Bora was still so strong that we could not use the gondola except to put us across the Gd Canal & from there we all walked to San Vio & the same to return– H.R.H. Princess Stephanie & Ct Lonyay with Bss Gagern came to lunch with me—but they had to come in an open gondola as one with the felse cd not have been managed. Mmes Waddington & Talleyrand were pleased to meet the above & made a pleasant party of it. At 3 as the Pss was leaving, she said “Might I come again, I mean to dinner.” Of course I said I would only be too happy– I knew the food at the Gd Hotel is very bad, & as soon as H.R.H. had gone I flew up to the kitchen & found there happily was eno’ food in the house– Being Sunday nothing was to be bought. So they came & were pleased with their entertainment & left early. They leave Venice tomorrow.

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