0Saturday. 17th [April 1909]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 April 1909 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 17th [April 1909]. Mme Cahen brought her cousin Sra Morpurgo to me this morng to see the pictures. Afterwards I had a farewell visit from Da Laura Minghetti & Princess Bülow. She talked much of the hard work before her husband in the Reichstag—& said the next time we met might be in Rome where she hoped to receive me in her villa. That for her own part she would not be sorry if that were to come to pass as her husband was very overworked. I told her that from my experience it was better for ones husband to be overworked than that he should have nothing to do—that there is nothing so dangerous to their health than going suddenly from immense activity to idleness & that I had seen the effects of it. I said this on the steps of the house as I put her into her gondola—& she went off—back to the hotel & leaves Venice tomorrow.

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