0Friday. 18th [June 1909]—Mezzaratta, Bologna
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 June 1909 — Mezzaratta, Bologna
Friday. 18th [June 1909]. Da Laura took me to Bologna to lunch with some friends of hers Ct & Css Bianconcini– They have a charming palace. Met a lot of people whose names I did not get. One a Css Bosdari—very fashionable in a big fine hat & a long neck tightly swathed with lace so that she looked half strangled. It is a queer fashion. Count Cavazza whom I already knew sat by me at lunch & on my right our host. Excellent lunch but it lasted rather long. Da Laura very en train. We went afterwards to the Emilia Ars shop to see the fine lace they make & then home to Mezzaratta.

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