0Sunday. 25th [July 1909]—Carlsbad
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 July 1909 — Carlsbad
Sunday. 25th [July 1909]. Breakfasted at Kaiserpark for the last time with Pss Stephanie & Bss Gagern & there took leave of them. We were quite sorry to have come to the end of our little morning parties. Thence Connie went back to Fasolt by the ’bus & I walked with Mrs Bulkeley Johnston to the Sauder hall to do the exercises & thence to the Sprudelhall to meet Mara Cappelli & to take leave of her—then to Fasolt—pack & have lunch. Mrs B.J. came to bid us good bye as did also Monsig. Stanley & we went off in 2 vehicles to the station & left by 3.40 p.m. train for Ostend by the train de luxe. I had a very bad night & was very sick from the shakiness of the train.

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