0Thursday. 14th [October 1909]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 October 1909 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 14th [October 1909]. Out in gondola with Hallam in afternoon to the Piazza & thence to the Tracys where Hallam left me– Found the girls were going on well—but were plagued by mosquitoes. I went back on foot to the Piazza being bidden to tea at Florian’s by Lady Pirbright & there I asked her to give me a little of a peculiar Australian stuff against mosquitoes wh she has got. After tea I accompanied her to the Grand Hotel in her gondola & there had from her a bottle of this stuff. I walked with Mr Phillips to San Samuele to give it to the Tracys & thence on home– Mr Whitaker came into ask us all to dine with him tomorrow– Hallam not being well eno’ to do so I agreed to go alone. Hallam & I did puzzle in the evening. We are still having lovely fine weather & very warm but fresh– Papers are full today of the excitement against Spain for the execution of the Anarchist Ferrer who led the revolt at Barcelona. There are strikes of workmen all over Europe. They think nothing of the wickedness of the man who caused the death of hundreds of innocent people—so long as he is one of themselves. No news today from London abt politics.

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