0Thursday. 4th [November 1909]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 November 1909 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 4th [November 1909]. The Whitakers came in the morning & asked me to take them to see the Arbib house with a view to Mrs Whitaker taking it so we walked there & saw over it. It has been a nice house & still has a large garden– In fact it is like a country villa—but as it does not look on to a canal it does not appeal to foreigners. I hurried home to 12 o’cl luncheon so that Corise, Alice & Nela might go by the 2 o’cl boat to Chioggia– They had a lovely day for the expedition. At 2.30 I went off with the Egertons to Mr Woods studio in Calle Ragusei. He has the old Casino at the end of the Vendramin Palace Garden near the Carmine—one of the last relics of the departed grandeur of the Venetian families. Mr Woods has not much to show us having nothing finished. From there Olga & I went to the Eden’s garden to see them—knowing they had arrived in Venice yesterday & we were lucky eno’ to catch them there. There are still many flowers, roses, [illegible word], & chrysanthemums out & the garden was bright. Css Leutrum & her sister              .

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