0Monday. 8th [November 1909]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 November 1909 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 8th [November 1909]. Nurse Christie came for Hallam but I was uneasy at her being taken from the Tracys so I went to see them & found that they had sent to Milan for a nurse which vexed me—as I felt we ought to have done it—not they. Corise went out with me & we went also to see a house which is to be let opposite here, with the Whitakers. It was the old Sant’Angelo theatre very badly arranged & decorated some 20 years ago– We walked to the Piazza & came home early in gondola. Mrs Eden came to see us & Mrs Whitaker to take leave as she is off to London tomorrow. Clara & Hilda Montalba also came to enquire after Hallam.

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