0Wednesday. 12th [January 1910]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 January 1910 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 12th [January 1910]. I found a charming long letter from the Regina Madre thanking me for my Christmas present (a silver turkey—turguay—she wrote) of this year & also for the enamel paper knife I sent her last year & wh reached her just as she fell ill so that she had never acknowledged it. There was also a large box containing a lovely little vase & plate of Limoges enamel wh she sent me as a New Year present. I had a busy morning unpacking & arranging my things. Nellie & Charlie Wyld arrived in the morning for lunch & to stay a day or two. In the afternoon I took a walk with Nellie before tea. Arthur Du Cane came in after tea.

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