0Friday. 14th [January 1910]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 January 1910 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 14th [January 1910]. I woke with a rheumatic head—but got up for 9 o’cl breakfast with the Wylds. However I was unable to do much in the morning & only accomplished a long letter to Q. Margherita thanking her for her present & her letter. Mr Duncan came to lunch. I had promised to go with him after luncheon to see his new apartment but I felt so unwell I had to excuse myself & let him go alone with Nellie while I rushed off to bed & there lay in the dark & surrounded by hotwater bottles to get the deadly cold out of me. By the evening I got better & was able to take a little food– Nellie & Charlie left for the Tile House abt 6 promising to return on Monday.

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