0Wednesday. 19th [January 1910]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 January 1910 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 19th [January 1910]. A very busy morning arranging books & putting away papers. Nellies little girl came up from the Tile House for the day & Kate, Nellie & she went out together shopping. Kitty went to see Sir Charles Alderson who to her despair has been voting for the Radical members. Nellie & the child lunched at Molly’s– Charlie brought a Col Fowler to lunch here who had been 11 years Com: in chief in the Soudan. A very pleasant person. After 4 when the child had gone home to Tile House, Kate & I walked towards the Marble Arch as she was going to Hyde Park St. to see Lady Alderson. At Grosvenor Gate I saw she was tired & put her into a taxi cab to drive the rest of the way & walked home by tea time. Abt 6 Blanche came in having just returned from Cheltenham to tell us all about the election. She says that Vere is very knocked up & returns to town tomorrow. After dinner Charlie Wyld & I went to Cav Sqr & I sat with Edward while Charlie took Blanche to Trafalgar Sqr to hear the results of today’s elections. They found a crowd there watching for the results wh were put up in lighted colours– They said the mob was evidently Radical but orderly & good humoured altho many Unionist gains were announced.

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