0Monday. 31st [January 1910]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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31 January 1910 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 31st [January 1910]. I went off to the Studio this morning to finish up the enamels & got back late to lunch. I found Arthur Layard & the rest waiting for me. Arthur explained the company he has started for cardboard boxes for packing frail articles such as eggs to go by port. He is to be Chairman of the Co. &c & hopes great things. I fear over sanguine. He brought me the receipts to see of the bills he has paid with the £500 I lately gave him for that purpose. I hope he may now be able to get on in life but I fear he is not practical. After lunch we all dispersed & I was fetched by Blanche to drive with her in the motor. After a short drive she returned to Cav Sqr & I drove on to call on Connie & found her much better so we 3 sisters are reviving again. Lady Borwick came to tea with us. Quiet evening.

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