0Tuesday. 1st February [1910]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 February 1910 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 1st February [1910]. Not feeling very well so remained in bed till luncheon. Kate went to lunch with Blanche & afterwards drove with her. I did not go out at all. Had a visit from Lady Vivian who was very tottering & has had inflammation of the lungs. Gweneth Ponsonby, Major Longville & Mr Previté came to dinner & as the whole party was at home we sat down 8. The Major commands the Tower & is a friend of Charlie’s. This evening I received a letter from Princess Christian asking me if I thought Mary Alderson would like to be one of her ladies in waiting & asking my advice. I am perplexed what to answer. She tells me not to mention it in my family wh makes it some difficult for me.

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