0Tuesday. 22nd [February 1910]—Brighton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 February 1910 — Brighton
Tuesday. 22nd [February 1910]. Blanche sent out her servant to inquire & he found that my purse had been found in the taxi & delivered to the police & so I was lucky eno’ to get it back again 10/ having been taken out of it to reward the taxi driver– Marjory Skinner & I returned to town by a morning train—I having much to do before leaving for Venice next Saturday—but my cough was so bad & I was so very cold that I had to go straight to bed & remain there. The Wylds came up from Tile House to remain with me till I left. They had Capt. Walsh to dine with them & they all went to the play. Connie came to tea.

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