0Saturday. 7th [May 1910]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 May 1910 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 7th [May 1910]. On waking a telegram wh had arrived at 3 a.m. was put into my hand “The King died at midnight (6th) Howe”. It is too dreadful for all & especially for the country at this moment of political crisis. What will come of it? The poor Queen! who knew nothing of his illness when she left here! I telegraphed at once to Lord Howe begging him “to convey my profound sympathy to Her Majesty in her grief”. Mr Montalba came to see me to say we must have a funeral service such as we had for Q. Victoria. I then retired to bed again as I had a very bad headache. When Mr Price called to see me on the same question I had to ask him to come to my bedside. Notes & cards of condolence came all day & I heard that all the public buildings & many private ones had their flags ½ mast in sign of mourning with us.

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