0Thursday. 9th [June 1910]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 June 1910 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 9th [June 1910]. Modelled. In the morning 2 little Armenian priests from S. Lazaro appeared asking if I would show them what Assyrian remains I might have here. I have very few things only 3 small basreliefs & some cylinders. They were much interested in the latter & I told them they may come & study them when they please. At 4 Miss Ethel Smythe came to see me—the lady who wrote the Opera “The wreckers.” She is doing the sun & sand cure on the Lido. Also Lady Eliot & her daughter. I took the Eliots over to the Eden’s garden. It was very hot & sultry & stormy. Mr & Mme Wiel came to dinner & Countess Martinengo Cesaresco (the writer). She has just arrived from Jerusalem where a sister of hers has lately died & she leaves again at once for Salo to rejoin her husband. Letters from London tell me that Q. Alexandra is giving some trouble to the King as she insists on having the royal standard & does not wish to leave Buckingham Palace & to move to Marlboro’ House.

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