0Friday. 10th [June 1910]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 June 1910 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 10th [June 1910]. Today M. & Mme de Lasteyrie came to lunch. They are great friends of Sophy Franqueville & brought me an introduction from her. Mme L. is english—& he speaks English perfectly. Both delightful people. He is attached to the Orleans family—& had accompanied one of the Princes to King Edward’s funeral. He tells me that it caused him the most painful impression to see the way that Q. Alexandra bowed right & left during the funeral procession—tho’ she may have done it by the force of habit. Would it not seem better that according to the old custom, women should not attend funerals—especially that of their nearest & dearest? Ola & I took a walk later.

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