0Tuesday. 12th [July 1910]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 July 1910 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 12th [July 1910]. Nothing to record today except that Lady Ingestre & Mrs Beckett came to tea after which I went to see the Edens at the garden as they leave for Salce tomorrow. Mr Woods R.A. & Mara Cappelli dined with me. Today I tore up quantities of letters wh I had received from my sisters for some years past. They are of no interest—are written in shorthand & I have learnt by having to look thro’ my brother Monty’s papers that it is a pity to leave to others the trouble of destroying useless papers. My sister Blanche writes to me every week & there was a large accumulation of her letters containing family gossip wh are of no further interest. It was a melancholy job & tho’ I refrained from reading the letters—every now & then one caught sight of a word or a date wh brought back memories & especially the accounts of Ivor’s illness.

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